Dallas Quilt Celebration 2013

From my perspective, at least.

I like the Dallas Show, have since the first year I attended. I like that it has a wide variety of quilts on display, from the ridiculously ornate show stoppers (or winners, more precisely) to the simple and simply quilted t-shirt quilts. Antiques, groups, art quilts, and plenty of vendors.

I think there were A LOT more vendors in Houston at the International Quilt Festival, and I also believe there were more vendors at the Dallas show last year. Maybe it was just how they were organized… But in Houston there were also so many people in and around the vendors, that I felt like shopping was nearly impossible.

I knew this year I had a number of people that I quilted for entering their pieces in the show, so I was really excited to go see my work on their work hanging on display. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of quilts that ended up in the show with my name on them.

Some of the quilts I had worked on earlier in the year, before I got married and changed my name. So for anyone else looking at those quilts, they may not have known that Maria Davis and Maria Hall were one and the same quilter. There were 8 quilts in the show that I was priveledged to be a part of:

Tie One On by Darrell Kerr

Elongated Star by Darrell Kerr

A Beatle's Rebus by Linda Newman

this is actually a group quilt from a block contest for the TX Department of Agriculture

this is actually a group quilt from a block contest for the TX Department of Agriculture

Free to Fly by Joan Gearner

Are You Sure He's Ours? by Sharry Evans

i apologize for the blurry pic... She also told me this was going to end up in the Crazy Horse Museum in SD!

i apologize for the blurry pic… She also told me this was going to end up in the Crazy Horse Museum in SD!

there was another quilt of this same pattern in the show. pretty interesting!

there was another quilt of this same pattern in the show. pretty interesting!

Now, this is my favorite part… Joan sent me a card that arrived yesterday. It included a photo of this quilt WITH A RIBBON ON IT! It won Past Show Chair’s Award!!! So here is a pic of that photo :)…

quilt with a ribbon!

Just wish I got a copy of the ribbon to hang on my wall ;). I guess that means I need to CREATE my own AND quilt it for next years show!!

Happy quilting my friends – hope you enjoyed the show as well!